Interim Storage Facility
Interim Storage Facility
What is the Interim Storage Facility (ISF)?
- In Fukushima Prefecture, large quantities of the soil and waste have been generated from off site decontamination work.
- ISF is necessary to manage and store above mentioned soil and waste, as well as the specified waste (> 100,000 Bq /kg) intensively and safely until the final disposal.
- The total volume is currently estimated at around 14 mil. m3, with the further review reflecting the actual circumstances.

* In principle, combustible materials will be incinerated, and incinerated ash will be stored.

Progress of Land Acquisition of the ISF
As of the end of July 2020

Soil Separation/Storage Facility
- Soil storage facility started the operation in October 2017 in Okuma and in December 2017 in Futaba

Operational Status of the ISF
- Construction of the facility started in November 2016
- The operation of Soil Separation Facilities started in June 2017 in Futaba, and in August 2017 in Okuma
- The storage of the removed soil and waste started in October 2017 in Okuma and in December 2017 in Futaba after the completion of the Soil Storage Facilities

Transportation to the ISF
- Transportation of the soil and waste from TSS to the ISF has been implementing mostly using 10-ton dump trucks.
- Cumulative total of approx. 8.33mil. m3 has been transported so far, which makes approx. 60% of the whole transport target object (14mil. m3 as of the end of October 2019), was delivered to the ISF (as of the end of June 2020) .
- Safe and secure transportation will be sequentially conducted.

Ad-hoc Policy on Transportation to the ISF
- In order to transport estimated volume of 14 mil. m3 to ISF , MOE is conducting the transportation, getting the local understanding on the “Safety first” basis. ※As of October 2019
- By the end of FY2021, MOE aims to complete the transportation of the removed soil and waste (except in DRZ) which are temporarily stored in Fukushima Prefecture.
- In FY2019, approx. 4 mil. m3 of the soil and waste will be transported to ISF and MOE plans to transport almost the same amount in FY2020.

8 Steps towards the Final Disposal outside Fukushima Prefecture within 30 years from the Start of the ISF
- MOE conducts R&D to examine how the final disposal to be implemented taking into account the effect of radioactive decay and the potential of volume reduction and recycling
- MOE shares the information with the public to build the consensus for recycling of lower contaminated soil and the final disposal outside Fukushima Prefecture

Technology Development Strategy for Volume Reduction & Recycling of the Soil from Off site Decontamination Work
- Towards the final disposal of the removed soil outside Fukushima Pref., MOE will promote recycling of the soil after volume reduction as much as possible, which consequently would lead to reduce the volume of soil for the final disposal
- After clarifying the objectives and priority of technology development and volume reduction & recycling, basic technology development is planned to be completed within 10 years, then move onto a phase of treatment
- On the premise of securing safety, MOE will try to realize the recycling in the possible field, building public understandings for the safety
- Based on technology development and prospect of recycling in the future, MOE would propose some options for structure and necessary dimension of the final disposal

Concepts on Safe Use of the Soil from Off-site Decontamination Work after Recycling
- MOE announced “Basic concept” in June 2016 to realize the use of the removed soil under proper management after volume reduction and recycling materialization as basic premise of radiation safety.
- According to a policy of this Basic Concept, MOE implements demonstration project, confirms radiation safety, studies specific management system, as well as to foster understandings of public all over Japan, and proceed with full-scale recycling towards environmental improvement.

Demonstration Project for Recycling in Iitate Village
A demonstration project in Iitate Village is as follows; In response to the request from Iitate Village, the removed soil stored at TSS will be recycled, and experimented in cultivation of flowers and energy crops in Nagadoro Borough.
Contents of the demonstration project
- 1) Transport the removed soil from TSS in Iitate Village to the stock yard in Nagadoro Borough
- 2) Produce the recycled soil by separating foreign materials from the soil, classifying upon the radioactive concentration, and controlling the quality after construction of the recycling facility
- 3) At the demonstration project site, develop the basement of the farmland with the recycled soil covering the surface with uncontaminated soil
- 4) Conduct test cultivation at the farmland in the demonstration project site

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