
What is the Environmental Regeneration Plaza?

The Environmental Regeneration Plaza is the center which provides you the information about the progress of environmental remediation in Fukushima such as decrease of radiation levels and development of the Interim Storage Facility.

Frame-work of activities of the Environmental Regeneration Plaza

The Environmental Regeneration Plaza is providing the information on Fukushima's environmental regeneration, dispatching registered expaerts to municipal offices, communal organizations and local schools, as well as holding out-reach exhibitions and promoting communications among various actors.

image:Frame-work of activities of the Environmental Regeneration Plaza


image:access map

Address: Sakae-machi 1-31, Fukushima city, Fukushima prefecture
( 400 meters from JR Fukushima station )

Open from 10:00 am to 17:00 pm

Closed on Mondays ( if Monday falls on national holiday, closed on next non-holiday weekday.) 

Free of entrance fee

Telephone: +81-24-529-5668 

E-mail: saisei-plaza@env-josen.jp




